Gustavo SantosinTowards Data ScienceUsing Decision Trees for Exploratory Data AnalysisAdd decision trees to your EDA and get great insights from the startJun 203Jun 203
Gustavo SantosinTowards Data ScienceMy Easy Guide to Pre vs. Post Treatment TestsA quick introduction to Before and After Tests with code.Jun 13Jun 13
Gustavo SantosCreating a Sankey Diagram in RUse R to quickly create an interactive Sankey Chart.Jun 51Jun 51
Gustavo SantosinTowards Data Science5 Useful Visualizations to Enhance Your AnalysisUse Python’s statistical visualization library Seaborn to level up your analysis.Mar 244Mar 244
Gustavo Santos4 Ways to Create a Data Frame in SparkLearn how to create or transform your data to a Spark DataFrame objectMar 6Mar 6
Gustavo SantosUsing robotparser package in PythonRobot Parser can help you to understand the robots.txt file before scraping a web site.Mar 5Mar 5
Gustavo SantosinData HackersIntrodução ao tmap para Visualização e Análise de DadosUma breve introdução ao pacote tmap do R para análise de dados geoespaciais.Feb 27Feb 27
Gustavo SantosinTowards Data ScienceIntroducing tmap for Visualization and Data AnalysisA brief introduction to the library tmap in R for Geospatial Data Exploration.Feb 24Feb 24
Gustavo SantosinData HackersCriando um Data Pipeline do ZeroUm projeto iniciante de Engenharia de Dados, ponta-a-ponta.Jan 191Jan 191